Orangutans are the closest living relatives of humans, so it’s not a huge surprise that their teeth and ours have a lot in common. However, there are also some pretty clear differences,...
Exploring the Wild World of Nature
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Alligators, like other large reptiles, shed their skin. This process continues as they age. However, unlike other reptiles, alligators and crocodiles shed their skin slowly, one large scale at a...
Butterflies are known for their bright colors and frequent visits to flowers bringing a sign of warm summer days. There are over 17,000 species of butterflies in the world, found on every...
Almost everyone loves foxes, whether they’ve seen one in person or not. These small canine carnivores are almost universally regarded as cute, with big eyes and ears, long and fluffy coats, and...
A rhinoceros (rhino) is a grey, heavy mammal with a distinctive horn sticking out in front of its nose. These large herbivores are the second largest land animal on our planet. Larger species...
Austria has a unique array of wildlife located in the southern-central region of Europe. Animals native to Austria include the Eurasian Lynx, Red Fox, Stoat, and Eurasian Eagle Owl. The...