There are many species on this planet that enjoy the taste of strawberries, and quite a few wild animals eat strawberries both in the wild but also by finding a way into a manmade garden.
Learn what animals eat strawberries from the list below:
- Turtles
- Foxes
- Monkeys
- Deer
- Squirrels
- Raccoons
- Rabbits
- Birds
1. Turtles

Scientific name (order): Testudines
Turtles are what we call opportunistic omnivores – they eat fruits, vegetables, vegetation and meat – anything that they can find. Some species of turtle are more specialized in killing and eating prey (most usually fish and amphibians).
However, all of them will gladly eat wild strawberries if they find any. They’ll also eat strawberries right out of your garden – but it’s very unlikely that a turtle will wander that far off into human territory.
2. Foxes

Scientific name (family): Canidae
A mistake that many people make is thinking that foxes are carnivorous. These animals are in fact omnivorous – it’s just that they prioritize meat over vegetation. However, if you give a fox an opportunity to eat a strawberry – it’s definitely going to take it.
These animals are very inquiring and curious, much more so than other wild animals, so it’s not odd to find one snooping around your garden. Aside from that, it’s unlikely that a fox will ever find fully-sized strawberries.
3. Monkeys

Scientific name (infraorder): Simiiformes
Most monkeys feed primarily on vegetation and fruit. However, fruit isn’t part of their diet as often as they’d probably like, since fruit is a seasonal produce and it doesn’t grow all-year round.
Monkeys will definitely eat strawberries, though. Strawberries have a much higher nutritional value than the average foliage they’re used to eating and it presents a much more valuable food source.
Interestingly, most monkeys are omnivorous but they spend very little time actually looking for meat, focusing on a plant-based diet instead.
4. Deer

Scientific name (family): Cervidae
Deer belong to one of the least selective groups of animals – without a doubt. They’ll eat virtually any vegetation they can process, so much so that they actually eat flowers. Therefore, strawberries are definitely on the menu.
Just like all wild animals – wild strawberries are usually small, there’s too few of them and they don’t offer much. However, deer are known as active invaders of manmade gardens and they’re definitely a threat to any garden.
These animals, given the opportunity, will jump over the fence and eat everything on their path. Strawberries are definitely on the menu, just like many other fruits.
5. Squirrels

Scientific name (family): Sciuridae
Squirrels have a major advantage in comparison to deer, as they also depend on invading foreign gardens, in the form of agility. These animals can easily sneak through your fences and eat all the strawberries in your garden.
Luckily, their stomachs aren’t too big and they can’t possibly fit all your strawberries in their mouths. Whichever way it is, if you live near a forest – you’ll definitely see some damage from squirrels. Most rodents eat strawberries, in fact, and they pose a threat.
6. Raccoons

Scientific name: Procyon lotor
The most thieving animal on this list, by a wide margin, the raccoon will gladly steal strawberries from your garden. Not only that, but they’ll also steal anything you put on the table on the porch.
These animals have, with time, learned to rely on us throwing away leftovers before actually hunting and eating something on their own. It’s also important to remember that raccoons will eat virtually anything to satiate their hunger.
Also, out of all the animals on this list, raccoons are the ones least scared of humans – they’re used to human contact so much that some more experienced raccoons won’t even run when they’re caught!
7. Rabbits

Scientific name (family): Leporidae
Rabbits are similar to all other mammals that eat strawberries in their behavior. They’ll munch down on some wild berries they find in the wild, but if they get the chance to break into your garden – they’re definitely going to take it.
These animals feed primarily on grass and any piece of fruit or wild vegetable they find in the wild – this is very rare, though, so we can’t exactly blame them for wanting a taste of strawberries.
Just like squirrels, they don’t have a problem squeezing through fences or even digging under them, which is why they’re difficult to fend off!
8. Birds

Scientific name (class): Aves
Some birds feed on meat exclusively, but many bird species are omnivorous or herbivorous, and they’re possibly the most difficult animals to defend against.
Birds usually have well-developed eyesight and they’re going to notice your patch of strawberries. The only way to defend from them is by spreading a protective netting over your entire garden, preventing them from entering.
Aside from that, birds are relatively untouchable and they’re definitely going to cause some trouble. They won’t only eat strawberries, but other fruits (especially grapes) are under threat too!
To Summarize
Out of all the animals that eat strawberries, foxes are usually the least suspected ones because of the misconception that they’re carnivorous animals. All of these animals can find wild strawberries (and other species of berries) in the wild.
However, those fruits aren’t as nearly as large and nutritiously valuable as strawberries in gardens. Birds are by far the biggest invaders out of all of these animals as they’re the most difficult to defend against, while raccoons and squirrels can also be particularly aggressive.